Sunday, May 16, 2010

“The Battle of the Labyrinth”, book four in Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, is another enjoyable adventure rich in Greek mythology, with exciting new characters, places, plot twists and abilities being discovered by Percy and his friends.

I’m getting way too far behind in my “book reports”, I’m so going to limit my focus on this book to one thing in order to save time. The introduction of the tame and loveable hellhound, Mrs. O’Leary stood out to me. I dislike it when fantasy stories create “evil” species or races, and so the addition of a “good” version of a typically evil and frightening hell hound brought depth to the Olympian world that had been lacking. This is a good example of how this book grew and matured the series in preparation for the final addition, “The Last Olympian”.

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